Saturday, November 20, 2010

Welcome to my blog!

I've decided to start blogging because I've got three crazy funny boys, and telling about them on my Facebook status updates just isn't cutting it anymore. :o)  

This blog, and the subsequent ones following for the next few days won't be about the boys using the kitchen floor as a skating rink with dawn dish soap, or about homeruns, or brothers fighting.  This is a bit more serious...

In 1996, my dad was diagnosed with colon cancer.  He was 44 years old, and less than a year later, he lost his battle.  He was 45, I was 21, and my dad was dead.  Several years earlier, my dads brother (Uncle Buster) was also diagnosed with colon cancer.  At the time, his doctor recommended his siblings and parents to all get a colonoscopy.  All of the siblings and my grandparents got the test...all but my dad.  I would do anything to go go back in time and MAKE HIM go get the test.  I know my grandparents would too, as would his brothers and sisters.  I can't change the past, however, I can change how I live, and show my boys to do the same.

Seven years ago, at age 27, I had my first colonoscopy.  I had been having some tummy issues, and with my dad having colon cancer, my doctor recommended I do the test.  I ended up having a polyp (pre-cancerous growth inside the colon.)  It was removed, and I was told I needed to go back in two years.

Two years later, I went back for my second colonoscopy, and ALL WAS CLEAR!  WOOOHOO!  I got the go-ahead from my doctor that I didn't need to go back for FIVE more years.  YAY!

It's been five years now, and my appointment for my third colonoscopy is scheduled for Monday, November 22.  The last week, I have felt so nervous and anxious, not because I'm scared of the test results, but because of the NASTY NASTY junk you have to drink the day before the test.  Honestly, I'd rather birth twins 10 times before drinking that junk.  It's the most horrific-tasting-make-you-gag drink ever.  I wonder if maybe that's why my dad didn't want to have the test...honestly, can't say that I blame him. 

I have explained the whole procedure to my kids, and I talk to them about my dad often.  I want them to understand why it's important for me to do this, and why it will be important for them someday too.  It seems like they really understand, and I am glad about that.

So I can't eat on Sunday, and can only drink clear liquids.  Beginning at 6pm on Sunday, I have to start drinking MoviPrep....ugh, just the thought of it makes me feel all gross and weird inside. 

I know it's kind-of a weird topic to blog about, but it's something that's important to me, and I wanted to share my story with others. 



  1. Wishing you the best and hoping for another clean check of the pipes! :oP Sorry you have to drink that crap (((hugs)))

  2. Ugghh... my reply disappeared! Trying again...

    I will pray for you, Kelly! I will pray that the gross crap goes down quickly and easily and that you get the "all-clear" for another 5 years!

    And I am glad you have a blog. You have so many funny stories about your boys -- you should have one!

  3. Thanks guys! I am excited to tell my boys funnies. :o)

  4. 1) Happy you have a blog
    2) I will be praying all goes well for the test
    3) Good luck drinking that stuff. Been there and done that and I know how nasty it is.

    4)Have a great day hanging out around the house
