Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy it's over :o)

I had the test and the results were good.  No polyps. Yay!  Only one hiccup - the sedation medication didn't work very well on me.  I had 20mg of Versed (the dr. said that's alot)...and I could still feel pain when they going 'round the turns. :-/  Doc says next time I might have to have it done in the hospital and be put all the way under with anestheia. 

Thank you Jesus I don't have to do that again for 5 more years!! mom, being the brilliant woman she is...suggested we go to the buffet at the casino afterward.  HELLO?!  San Manuel...where ya been all my life???  OMG I ate and ate and ate ate.............almost til I popped.  It was glorious.



  1. Holy crab cakes...I just realized in 5 years I will be 40. Nonsense.

  2. Glad all went well. That is great news.
